Sobrasada roasties


1 kg Maris Piper potatoes

Rapeseed oil

Olive oil

Sea salt

5-6 cm piece of sobrasada, peeled and torn into nuggets

3 rosemary stalks, leaves only

Half a lemon (optional)


  1.  Preheat oven to 220°C / 200°C fan.

  2. Peel and cut each potato into 4 to 8 equal-sized pieces.

  3. Place potatoes in a saucepan of cold water with a generous amount of salt. Cover and bring to a simmer. Uncover and cook for 10 mins, then drain. Shake the sieve so the potatoes fluff up around the edges, then leave to steam dry.

  4. Pour a thin layer of oil (2/3 rapeseed, 1/3 olive oil) into an ovenproof dish and heat up in the oven. When the oil is hot, carefully place the potatoes in, in a single layer, spoon over the oil and season generously with sea salt.

  5. Cook for 50 mins, turning occasionally, until brown and crispy.

  6. Remove from the oven, add the rosemary leaves and nuggets of sobrasada. Return to the oven for another 5 mins, then serve, with a squeeze of lemon juice.

    Serves 4